SCHA Proposed Covid Response and Wellness Plan


As Covid 19 continues to impact our daily lives the SCHA is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for players, coaches, volunteers, parents and spectators alike.

As we look forward to the 2020/21 hockey season we want everyone to be prepared for some changes in how we approach this season. We feel making some small changes in how we approach the season will make a big impact on our success throughout the season. We do not want to overreact, but we do not want to underreact either. USA Hockey, the CDC, local and state governments have provided the public extensive resources on how to maintain a safe and healthy environment. We have reviewed several of these resources and have put together what we believe is practical and reasonable for our association.

Throughout the 20/21 season we want to take measures that will keep everyone playing hockey. We will need to recognize and adapt to different situations based the rules and guidelines ours and other associations have in place. It is our hope we can operate with minimal disruption this upcoming season and want everyone to understand that decisions to change or cancel events is in the best interests of those involved.

Our contact person for Covid is Stacey Schapp




Ph: 712-441-5094


SCHA Locker Room Rules

Squirts and Below –

o   Come fully dressed no more than 15mins before

o   Recommended with Skates on

PeeWee and Up -  

o   Dressing in locker rooms, no more than 15mins before coaches will unlock locker room

o   Locker room will be cleared when practice starts

o   Preference is to come fully dressed

o   Face coverings are recommended when in the locker room

o   Showers are closed. 

o   Locker rooms will be locked 15min after practice has ended.

o   If there are issues with being able to follow locker room rules, the locker room use will be discontinued, and players will need to come fully dressed or practices will be cancelled.

3x3 –

o   No locker rooms; Come fully dressed

o   Recommended with Skates on


Returning to the Rink

Per recommendations by USA Hockey, the CDC & local/state governments, SCHA have adopted the following for the 20/21 season

First and foremost:

  1. Maintain physical distance

  2. Wash/sanitize hands upon arriving

  3. Clean surfaces and equipment frequently

Expectations & Rules

Self-screen prior to coming to practice or event. If your temperature is over 100.4, please do not attend

If a participant is feeling ill or has symptoms, they must stay home

Participants will be asked to show up dressed as much as they can. In age groups where parents need to help their child with skates and equipment, please use the seating area by the Dordt locker room and maintain social distancing

Participants will be asked to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before and be required to leave max. 15 minutes after.

Teams needing larger areas please utilize the area outside the Dordt locker room

When waiting to enter and exit the ice, please remain 6’ apart

Showers will be unavailable until further notice

Please wash/sanitize your hands upon arriving and leaving

Water-bottles: Everyone must have their own labelled water bottle. Please fill at home

Team food: No team shared food until further notice

No player handshakes. Please use fist bumps with gloves on.

Please dis-infect equipment after each use spray down or the like

Players who choose or cannot attend an event due to health concerns please notify the coach in advance

SCHA Coaches understand that if players choose not to attend an event due to a health concern the player will not be disciplined, reprimanded or the like. Please communicate with the Coach if you are unable to attend.

Please note players & parents alike, must understand practices and team events play and important role in game season readiness. Players that cannot attend practices due to Covid will not be reprimanded or disciplined, however, player participation will be evaluated by Coaches prior to participating in games to ensure player is game ready.

Team Meetings: In the case where a team meeting is scheduled, please host and set them up where physical distancing can occur

Facility/arena (both home and away) policies are expected to be followed at all times

When Feeling Ill

Participants with risk factors or illness are asked not attend practices, games or team events. This includes those that have an ill family member or exposure to Covid

Participants with signs or symptoms of illness are strictly advised not to enter the arena

Coaches will be asking anyone who exhibits signs or symptoms of illness to leave practice, game or team event

Positive Covid Test

The CDC is recommending that if a person has been in known contact of someone that has COVID for more than 15 minutes and have been within 6ft of one another, they should not attend public functions for 48hrs and are symptom free.


Covid Protocol

  1. If a player is feeling ill or has symptoms, they must stay at home.

  2. If a player has a family member or has been in known contact with someone who has been tested positive for Covid they must not participate in SCHA events for 48 hours and do not have signs or symptoms

  3. Should a player display symptoms while at the rink, the Coach will contact the parent and dismiss them from practice

  4. If a player is tested positive for Covid he/she must not attend SCHA functions for 10 days, or until the player is free from fever for 24hrs and displays no further signs or symptoms

  5. SCHA will have one spokesperson or liason to communicate Covid related updates.

  6. If a player is tested positive, the parent shall communicate to our association contact person. The Contact Person will communicate with the Coach, board and Vernon Arena. Coach/Parent shall include full name of player, date tested, date last in contact with team and last date at the arena.

  7. If tested positive the notification must be communicated as soon as possible.

  8. Should 15% or more of the team (Incl. Coaches) become ill at any one time, the team will be suspended from play until further notice

  9. Should 15% of our association (Incl. Coaches) become ill at any one time, the association will be suspended from all events until further notice.

  10. The names of the individuals with whom are ill will remain confidential


How can you prevent and help

Self-screen-if your child isn’t at their normal check in with them

Take your child’s temperature prior to attending SCHA events

If the participant does not attend school due to threat, they will not be allowed to participate

Bottomline: If your player is ill, please keep them home

Please familiarize yourself with the CDC ( for more information regarding what to look for and how the flu differs from Covid-19.



SCHA Board of Directors