Weather Cancellation Policy – The objective is that the board will do their best to support the policy outlined below.  Uncontrollable factors may cause delays in decisions on weather cancellations.

1.       For all weather related situations, parents or players that feel the travel conditions are unsafe will not be penalized for not attending the scheduled activity.

2.       All scheduled activities will be cancelled for that day if the ASC closes.

3.       All scheduled activities will be cancelled for that day if the Sioux Center School District releases students from school early.

1.       An exception may be made if the scheduled activity is scheduled to be over before 5:30PM.

                                                               i.      The scheduler may consult coaches to learn of specific team dynamics which may influence the decision to continue with the scheduled activity. (E.g. The players all reside within Sioux Center)

                                                             ii.      The scheduler will provide a summary to the Board to get approval.

                                                           iii.      The scheduler will report back to the coaches the Board’s final decision.

1.       This decision will be made by 1PM.

2.       All scheduled activities will be cancelled for that day if the Sioux Center School District closes school for the day.

1.       An exception may be made if the weather and roads improve to safe conditions throughout the day.

                                                               i.      The scheduler will email the head coaches of each affected team to see if they would like to proceed with the scheduled activity.

                                                             ii.      The scheduler will then provide a summary to the Board to get approval.

                                                           iii.      The scheduler will report back to the coaches the Board’s final decision.

1.       This decision will be made by 1PM.