Season Outline Policy

  1. All information will be announced on the SCHA”s web site in a timely manner.
  2. Registration for current players typically occurs prior to August 31, new player registration typically occurs in the first 1/2 of September. (Registration for “Travel” Mini-mites, Mites, and Squirts team typically occurs in the first week of December for those who did not register previously.)
  3. Toward the end of September the President will hold a MANDITORY parents meeting to inform the parents of the SCHA's philosophy, any rule or policy changes and fund raising as well as other general information.
  4. Toward the end of September there will be a coaches meeting conducted by the Director of Coaching that will cover such items as SCHA's philosophy, coaches responsibilities, games rules, first aid requirements, etc.
  5. Season Length & Sunday Play
    1. The hockey season for Pee Wee and older starts mid October and ends with a team”s state tournament, which for Pee Wee is the 3rd Saturday of February; for Bantam and Girls JV, the 4th Saturday of February; for boys JV and girls varsity, the 1st Saturday of March; and for boys varsity, the 2nd Saturday of March. Games for Pee Wee and older typically start the first week of December, but may start as early as the weekend before Thanksgiving. Although SCHA tries to minimize Sunday play, it is unavoidable due to the large number of games that need to be scheduled in the SDAHA league, typically between 550 and 600 games in 13 weekends at ten rinks.
    2. X-Ice practices and games mid October and end the mid of December. Under normal circumstance Sunday play is not required.
    3. “Travel” Mini-mites, Mites, and Squirts season starts after X-Ice ends and typically continues through the first week of March depending on scheduled games and tournaments. Although SCHA tries to minimize Sunday play, some Sunday tournament play may be required. For a player to play on a “travel” team they MUST participate in the X-ice program.
  6. The number of games for a team in a season shall not exceed the guidelines below and teams must remain within their budgeted allotments. Exceptions must be approved by the SCHA board in advance.
    1. Mini-mites & Mites “Travel” Teams: The total game count will not exceed 12 games; not more than 3 tournaments (including a SCHA home tournament). No games will require overnight stays and most games should be within a two hour drive time.
    2. Squirt “Travel”: The total game count should not exceed 12 games; not more than 3 tournaments (including a SCHA home tournament) with at most one tournament that requires overnight stays and most games should be within a two hour drive time.
    3. Pee Wee & older: League games, state tournament, one home and one away. An occasional friendship game may also occur during the season.
  7. In March the President holds a parents meeting for review of the season and election of new Directors to the Board.