
Academics & Community Behavior

Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege granted to a player by the SCHA Board of Directors. It is not an inherent right. It is the belief of the board that the privilege of participation must be earned on academic, home, and community performance.

Therefore, in order to begin participation in hockey, a player must:

  1. Be regularly attending school or be home-schooled under direct parental supervision.

  2. Have their parents' permission based on the rules of their individual household.

  3. Not be a defendant in a pending criminal legal proceeding.

  4. Meet their school's academic eligibility requirements for participation in extracurricular sport activities. (This applies only to high school students. An elementary or middle school student's academic eligibility is determined by item 2 above.)

If a player is in violation of any of the above, the player or the player's parents may request a conference between the player's parents, team's coach, and Vice President of the Board. Based on the results of this conference, the SCHA Board of Directors will make a determination regarding the player's eligibility.

Players become subject to their school academic eligibility policies upon entering high school. While in elementary school and middle school, the player's parents solely determine the academic eligibility requirements on the rules of their individual household.

During the hockey season high school aged players must continue to meet the academic eligibility requirements for extracurricular sport activities of their respective school. During a period of ineligibility a player is suspended from playing in games, but is required to attend practices and home games as a regular team participant would. A player becomes eligible to participate in games after the player's school indicates the player has met the school's academic eligible criterion. After November 1, registration fees are not refundable for periods of ineligibility.

Because SCHA does not have the resources to monitor the activities of its players, it is the parents, or guardians, responsibility to apply this rule. High schools that support youth hockey by granting awards for hockey and allowing early dismissal, when requested, for sport related travel (equivalent to other school sponsored sports) may also report academic eligible criterion directly to the SCHA Board of Directors through the Board Vice President.

High schools that have players participating in the SCHA will be notified of this policy and players attending their school not later than Nov 1 by the SCHA registrar.